Service Contract Inquiry


The Service Contract Inquiry function groups all of the information linked to a service contract in a single location.

This is an inquiry option only. Changes must be made from the Contract Management option.





  maestro* > Service Management > Analysis and Inquiry > Inquiries > Service Contract Inquiry


Viewing a Contract

  1. In the Service Contract Inquiry window, select the Contract Number.

If the selected contract is a master contract, the words Master Contract are displayed to the right of the contract status. If the selected contract is a subcontract, the number of the master contract is displayed.

  1. View the information available on the service contract.
  1. Upper section and Contract Description tab: This section groups the information entered in the Contract Management option.


The Various Customers field indicates that the contract is linked to multiple customers, if the box is checked.

  1. Equipment tab: This tab displays the list of equipment covered by the contract (the equipment on which the work will be performed). This information is from the Equipment tab in Contract Management.


The Documents section contains three columns allowing the user to consult the documents Related to this Contract, Related to this Equipment and Related to this line. Click on the icon to access the documents in Document Management and to add new ones.

  1. Visits tab: This tab displays the planned visits in the contract. This information is from the Visits tab in Contract Management.
  2. Deferred Revenue tab: This tab displays the distribution grid for advance collections related to the contract for deferred contracts. This information is from the Deferred Revenue tab in Contract Management.
  3. Choose the transaction code in the Code field.
  4. Service Calls tab: This tab displays all calls made on the contract entered in the Enter a Service Call option.


It is possible to filter the calls in a miscellaneous contract for a specific customer by specifying it in the Customer Code research field.

If the selected contract is a master contract, maestro* displays all calls from its related subcontracts.

  1. Cumulatives tab: This tab displays accumulated costs per year by call type.


Each tab displays accumulated amounts by call type, either Maintenance, Service or Installation. The Total tab displays the accumulated total for all of the calls for this contract.

If the selected contract is a master contract, maestro* displays the cumulative costs by year, by call type, for all subcontracts related to the master contract.

  1. Invoices tab: This tab displays invoices generated by calls made on the contract.
  2. Skills tab: This tab displays all the skills entered form the Define Skills option. The technician entered by default for every skill in Contract Management is displayed.
  3. Quotations tab: this tab displays all the service quotations linked to the contract, regardless of where they were created (maestro* or maestro*MOBILE) and their current status.
  4. Recommendation tab: this tab displays the recommendations linked to the contract and all its information. To makes changes to any of its fields, make a double-click on the recommandation line and the Recommandation window will appear.


see also


Last modification: February 27, 2025